We met Milena (mother-in-law) very briefly, and then spent the day with P and her children, Alberto and Mila. Very lazy day and a lovely break from all of our running around. Lunch and dinner all together (and with Federico, home from work) and then home late. Really lovely to finally see where P is in Rome, and get a feel for a day-to-day life here.
Gorgeous day. Tobes arriving tomorrow. Meetings with friends living in Rome over the coming days all coming together, plus some site-seeing to be done - a few busy days ahead!
My sister's house in Rome (top right 4 windows)
View to French Embassy
My girls with her mother-in-law, Milena
Claudia, Ava and cousin Alberto
Clouds, Alberto, Ava and P
More gelato! - Claudia, Mila, Ava and Alberto
Claudia and Alberto
I'm really glad you were able to fit in a lazy day Girls. Please give my love to P, Federico and the kids. xxxxxx Dad